- Category: Repertoire
Whitsuntide 2023
Sunday, 28 May | PENTECOST
Mass I (Missa Lux et origo)
Vulpius: Dum complerentur
Trent 91: Factus est repente
hymn: Come, Holy Ghost (Lambillotte)
Grigny: Versets on Veni Creator Spiritus
Friday, 2 June | Ember Friday of Pentecost
Mass I (Missa Lux et origo)
chant: Veni Creator Spiritus (hymn, mode viii)
hymn: Come Down, O Love Divine (Down Ampney)
Saturday, 3 June | Ember Saturday of Pentecost (forma brevior)
Mass I (Missa Lux et origo)
chant: Beata nobis gaudia (hymn, mode i)
Howells: Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling (Salisbury)
Sunday, 4 June | Trinity Sunday
Byrd: Mass for Three Voices
Handl: Benedicta sit sancta Creatrix
Sarum plainsong: Tu Trinitatis Unitas (arr. Hughes, after Prince)
hymn: God Father, Praise and Glory (Gott Vater sei gepriesen)
hymn: I Bind Unto Myself Today (St. Patrick’s Breastplate)
Bach: Fugue in E-flat Major (‘St. Anne’) (BWV 552/2)
Thursday, 8 June | Corpus Christi
At Mass (6:00 p.m.):
Palestrina: Missa Lauda Sion
Palestrina: Lauda Sion
Marenzio: O sacrum convivium
At the Eucharistic Procession:
Pange lingua (iii)
Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (Sweet Sacrament)
O Jesus, We Adore Thee (Fulda)
O Lord, I Am Not Worthy (Aulé)
Soul of My Savior (Anima Christi)
O Jesus Christ, Remember (Aurelia)
At Benediction at St. Joseph’s Church:
Verbum supernum (viii)
Adoremus in æternum (v)
Grigny: Versets on Pange lingua
Sunday, 11 June | Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi (Second Sunday after Pentecost)
Mass XIV (Missa Jesu Redemptor)
Bentivoglio: Ave verum corpus
Marenzio: O sacrum convivium
hymn: Praise to the Lord (Lobe den Herren)
Langlais: Rhapsodie Grégorienne (Op. 40, No. 9)
Friday, 16 June | SACRED HEART
At Benediction (5:00 P.M.):
Litany of the Sacred Heart
de Sévérac: Tantum ergo
At Mass (6:00 P.M.):
Mozart: Missa brevis in D Major (K. 194)
Palestrina: Improperium
Hughes: Cor Jesu amantissimum
chant: Veni Creator Spiritus (hymn, mode viii)
hymn: O Sacred Heart (Laurence)
Bach: Prelude & Fugue in C minor (BWV 549)
Bach: Prelude & Fugue in D Major (BWV 532)
Saturday, 17 June | Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
At Mass (10:30 A.M.):
Monteverdi: Messa a quattro voci da cappella (1650)
Gombert: Salve Regina/Ave Regina/Inviolata/Alma Redemptoris (diversa diversi orant)
Monteverdi: Ave maris stella à 8
hymn: Immaculate Mary (Lourdes hymn)
Fasolo: Versets on Ave maris stella
Balbastre: Magnificat du cinquième ton
At Reception of the Cross of St. Francis de Sales (5:00 P.M.):
Lassus: Magnificat septimi toni (1567)
Sunday, 18 June | Sunday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart (Third Sunday after Pentecost)
Du Mont: Messe Royale
Hassler: Domine Deus meus
Isaac: Dico vobis: gaudium
Byrd: Ave verum corpus
hymn: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Lauda anima)
Bach: Fantasia in G Major (BWV 572)